Turns out we, the opponents of the wall, were the ones that just weren't getting the point. We didn't get that Trump and his supporters never were talking about a physical barrier sitting out in the open by itself. They were always talking about a defended border, a "militarized" border, a border with guard towers, spotlights, and machine guns. A border where those who attempted to cross the barrier would be shot.
How in the f*k did I not grasp this before? This isn't about a wall, the wall is just the the first, necessary step, the place for soldiers to stand, a place for the machine gun turrets. He and his supporters want a 2-thousand mile "Berlin Wall" or Korean DMZ.
That's what it has always been about, a militarized border, with guard towers and search lights, and automatic weapons, where soldiers patrol, and shoot to kill anyone who dares cross the line.
This wall is not just a pointless, ineffectual waste of money, its the first step in turning our country into an armed camp.
We must say "No!" to this, because if we give in, it will never stop.